Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chedda Boyz in Miami

Yo Whiteys!! It's that time of year again...the Chedda Boyz go to Miami.

Lebron got nothing on us, what!!?!

I'd like to personally tell Miami, to Knock It Off and stop being so ghetto. I'd like to thank Grain Alcohol and $4 breakfast specials for the time I spent off Deco Drive, be it wandering or perposfully.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Name is Richard. I go by Richard.


In Spanish that means, I'm leaving town for a few days, don't wait up. Are the parents staying at the same hotel? Check. Are the bags packed (with a 3 bikini minimum?) check. Is it going to be Champagne in the Rain? CHECK. ADIOS SUCKAS!!!

Wanna dance?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cosmic Joke Du Jour

Universe, I would just like to know how there were was more than 1 episode produced of "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant". That has got to be the biggest cosmic joke EVARRRR. Um, What is the Soup Du Jour? "It's the soup of the Day." MMM, sounds good, I'll have that.

Friday, July 2, 2010

I want to Make a Million Posts

What better way to get started than to to let you know what happened today in Haiku form. Here it goes.

My mom called me Arpil.
And then
I made a cool blawg.

This Blawg Aint about Cupcakes and Rainbows

So , I'd like to give it up to myself, thats right, you heard me....CONGRATS to Myself on entering the blawg world with the rest of you.
I'd like to give a quick inspirational shout out first to Jennie Trieu & to Tiny Boy Williams because you guys are my heart & soul. I'd also like to thank my boy JPeezy, CC my Gayby, and Justin for being my Heroes on da Interwebs. Wordpress under construction. And I suppose I should add...Herro World! XO!!